Awtoulagyň tormoz ulgamy tormoz pajanlaryna, tormoz disslerine, tormoz dissalyna, tormoz suwuklygy we nasosyň beýleki böleklerine seredmelidir.
Awtoulagyň ýaýly ulgamy möhüm howpsuzlyk ulgamydyr, ýöne gündelik ulagda ulanmalydygymyz, hemişe howpsuz saklamalydyrys. The brake system of the car mainly relies on the friction between the brake pads and the brake disc to brake, generally when we check the brake system, the main thing is to check whether the brake disc has grooves, whether the wear degree of the brake pads is serious. But you can't just look at that when you're checking the braking system. The following automotive brake pad manufacturers show you the rest of the brake system.
Awtoulagyň tormoz ulgamy tormoz pajanlaryna, tormoz disslerine, tormoz dissalyna, tormoz suwuklygy we nasosyň beýleki böleklerine seredmelidir. Adaty ýagdaýlarda, tormoz suwuklygy ammaryň mukdary, ammar tankynyň ýokarky we aşaky setirleriniň arasynda bolmaly. If there is a lack of brake fluid, the same type of brake fluid should be added, and other types of brake fluid or alcohol substitutes should not be added. The surface of the brake disc should be flat, so that the brake pads can be fitted well, the new replacement of the brake pads is not easy to cause obvious scratches on the surface of the brake disc, if the brake disc surface has obvious grooves, at this time without processing the new brake pads will increase the probability of noise generation.
Post wagtyňyz: Fewral-14-2025